
Showing posts from April, 2020

Webinar | Live Conference | E-poster | Video Presentation | Health Economics 2020

Navigating the Wild West of COVID-19 antibody tests Health Economics & Policy Research The expectation that widespread COVID-19 antibody testing will be a cornerstone for reopening society has prompted a speedy, hands-off regulatory approach. But reports of poor performance by marketed tests suggest moving too quickly could result in individual and public health decisions that are based on unreliable results. Dodging that bullet will require centralized resources, including broad access to the large numbers of patient samples needed to stringently validate the assays. Tests that measure antibodies against the virus, known as serological tests, identify who has already been exposed and theoretically become immune. Unlike molecular diagnostics that measure viral load, serological tests can’t be used to diagnose COVID-19 or determine whether people are at risk of infecting others or advancing to severe disease (see  “Limits of Detection for the New Coronavirus” ...

Coronavirus Effects on Health Economics

Coronavirus Effects on Health, Economics and Politics The coronavirus pandemic is a health crisis, but at this magnitud, it affects almost every aspect of everyone’s lives. NBC Bay Area’s political analyst Larry Gerston talks about the effects of it when it comes to health, economics and politics. Health Economics & Policy Research: Submit your proposals Health Economics 2020 Register yourself now to avail special discounts on group registration!! Conference Date: September 21-22, 2020                  Conference Venue: Edinburgh, Scotland. Visit:

Video Presentation | Webinar | E-poster | Health Economics 2020

Health Economics & Policy Research I followed your research works which were of extremely high standard. I would like to invite you to the Health Economics 2020 which aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and major milestones in the aspect of Health Economics. To participate in webinar, please confirm your slot in HealthEconomics & Policy Research. Registration link: Benefits of Webinar & Video Presentation: • Certification by the International Organizing Committee • Publication of Abstract in the Souvenir and International Journal with DOI • CPD (Continuing Professional Development) Accreditation • On your request we will post conference souvenir (Hardcopy)

Health Economics | Webinar | Coronavirus

Health Economics & Policy Research In 1974, a classic book, Who Shall Live?, was published. Written by Victor Fuchs, a Stanford University professor, it marked the birth of health economics . It arrived at a moment when the post-war era of continued growth in public services was becoming unsustainable – just as treatment options for patients were expanding and the public expected more and more from their health services. Governments and their healthcare systems were trying to respond – and Who Shall Live? gave them a framework. A famous example often quoted in my student days at the University of York in the early 1980s was renal dialysis. Though not widely known by the general public, many publicly funded healthcare systems rationed this treatment. Older patients sometimes missed out, reducing their life expectancy by a few years. Thankfully, such drastic rationing has become rare – cropping up mainly with certain expensive late-stage cancer drugs. Yet as we address ...

Health Care | Health Economics | WHO | Health Worker

Health Care In March 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak of a novel coronavirus disease, COVID-19, to be a pandemic, due to the speed and scale of transmission. WHO and public health authorities around the world are taking action to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Certain populations, such as those with disability, may be impacted more significantly by COVID-19. This impact can be mitigated if simple actions and protective measures are taken by key stakeholders.

Health Economics 2020 | WEBINAR | Video Presentation |E-poster

Global summit on Health Economics and policy Research We followed your elite research and we believe it would be a perfect match for the scintillating Health Economics 2020 which aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and major milestones in the field of Chemistry. WEBINAR: Web conferencing may be used as an umbrella term for various types of online collaborative services including webinars ("web seminars"), webcasts, and peer-level web meetings. It may also be used in a more narrow sense to refer only to the peer-level web meeting context, in an attempt to disambiguate it from the other types of collaborative sessions. Terminology related to these technologies is inexact, and no generally agreed upon source or standards organization exists to provide an established usage reference. Health Economics & Policy Research

Airport employees wear full body protective suits at Pudong International Airport in Shanghai

COVID-19 China has concealed the extent of the coronavirus outbreak in its country, under-reporting both total cases and deaths it’s suffered from the disease, the U.S. intelligence community concluded in a classified report to the White House, according to three U.S. officials. The officials asked not to be identified because the report is secret and declined to detail its contents. But the thrust, they said, is that China’s public reporting on cases and deaths is intentionally incomplete. Two of the officials said the report concludes that China’s numbers are fake.